
Tribe Entrepreneurs Connect Groups are where small local groups come together regularly to support each other, celebrate successes with each other, and grow together. They are groups of 5-6 like-minded people who meet in cafes, bars, hotels, offices, even in their homes for an hour or so every week to focus on their goals, hold each other accountable, and encourage each other through friendship.

Tribe Entrepreneurs Connect Groups are not networking events, and they’re not masterminds or large events.
These groups are small, local groups, built on trust, friendship, and a shared determination to grow together.



For as long as humans have existed we’ve gathered in local groups, communities and tribes to live our lives in a way that enables us to thrive. In the tribe we have support, in the tribe we have safety, in the tribe we have community and love, in the tribe we are able to learn from those who have been before us and move forward together to improve the lives of those in the tribe.

Even today, if you look around people are gathering in tribes. There is the Apple tribe, there is the Starbucks tribe, there is the Triathlon tribe, or the Football Tribe. This instinct is so strong that Facebook have put a huge amount of resource into their ‘groups’ feature. An area where people can come together, online, to share their thoughts, feelings and experiences. But the consequences of moving our Tribes online haven’t been completely positive. More and more people are feeling isolated and lonely. More and more people are pushing away ideas and concepts that may be uncomfortable for that which aligns more with their beliefs. More and more the world is becoming more isolated, and the core of our identities, as community beings, is being pulled apart.



This is why we are creating Tribe Entrepreneurs Connect Groups.

They exist to give you a small, intimate community, where you trust those around you enough to open up about your challenges, your fears, and your needs. It’s a place where you can openly help those around you to grow week by week with no other agenda than to see those on the journey with you succeed.

It’s as simple as that!



So how do you get involved?
The first step is to find your Tribe. You can do this in your existing community or via a Tribe Entrepreneurs Mastermind Group or Tribe Entrepreneurs Networking Event. During these events you’ll meet other business owners and you’ll be encouraged to connect with those that you resonate with so that you can grow together.

Feel like you don’t fit into your Tribe Entrepreneurs Connect Group?
No problem, just switch group! Find those on a similar journey to you, and join them so you continue grow together. These groups aren’t meant to be for life! (although there’s a good chance you’re going to make some life long friends on the journey!).

There’s nothing in my area!
Don’t worry, we’re here to help. If you want to get Tribe Entrepreneurs going in your area simply let us know and we’ll help you make it happen! It’s easier than you might think!

How do I run a Tribe Entrepreneurs Connect Group?
Anyone can run a Tribe Entrepreneurs Connect Group. Simply follow the process on the ‘Run A Connect Group’ page and you’ll be off to a great start!


If this sounds like a movement you want to be part of then we’re here to make it happen.

Through small connect groups, masterminds, events, and growth support we’re here to help you get to the top together with some of the most outstanding people on the planet.