At Tribe Entrepreneurs we believe that everyone needs a Coach, a Mentor, and a Teacher to truly succeed in life. By building a community of like minded people we aim to create an environment where members coach each other, mentor those further behind them on the journey, and teach those they meet how to achieve their goals. This can be completely informal, but sometimes we all need some focused help and direction, and that’s where Tribe Entrepreneurs Mastery comes in.
At Tribe Entrepreneurs we believe that everyone needs a Coach, a Mentor, and a Teacher to truly succeed in life. By building a community of like minded people we aim to create an environment where members coach each other, mentor those further behind them on the journey, and teach those they meet how to achieve their goals. This can be completely informal, but sometimes we all need some focused help and direction, and that’s where Tribe Entrepreneurs Mastery comes in.
Mastery is a comprehensive knowledge or skill in a particular subject or activity and in Tribe Entrepreneurs Mastery we want to connect you with the best possible knowledge and skills in the world. Some of these will be from within the community, and others will be from outside, but everything will be thoroughly vetted to ensure it will help you grow your business. Tribe Entrepreneurs Mastery is not going to show you how to get rich quick and it’s not going to promote the latest bandwagon. Tribe Entrepreneurs Mastery’s aim is to equip and inspire you to grow for the long term, using tried and trusted tools and processes that have stood the test of time.
Tribe Entrepreneurs Mastery Coaching is designed to help you with your mindset to help you grow faster and go further. Often it’s not the business that’s in the way, but our own minds and beliefs. By helping the owner overcome roadblocks in their mind, we often fix the business problems. Through mindset coaching & accountability Tribe Entrepreneurs Mastery Coaching aims to keep your head ‘in the game’, reducing wasted time, avoidable mistakes, and procrastination.
The role of a coach isn’t to tell you exactly what to do. The role of the coach is to establish what you want to achieve and improve your performance to achieve that goal. Great coaches do this working with you to improve your mindset and unlocking the truths you already have inside you. A great coach doesn’t even need to have been successful in the given field of their client, they just need to understand what’s getting in the way of success so that they can help the client find the best path to success and lasting results.
The fastest way to get somewhere is to find someone who’s already successfully been there and follow their path. Tribe Entrepreneurs Mastery Mentoring is where we connect those on one stage of their journey with those who have already successfully navigated that part of their own journey so that you can get where you’re going faster. For those who have already been on the journey it’s a deeply fulfilling process to guide others through the often tricky to navigate paths.
Tribe Entrepreneurs Mastery Mentoring aim to provide both real world connection mentoring through the community and further afield as we continue to grow. If you’d like to become a mentor let us know.
A teacher is someone who has studied the mechanics of how something really works and is able to show you clearly and simply how to replicate the action to get the same result and outcome. Tribe Entrepreneurs Education is were we bring together some of the world’s best teachers to show you exactly how to do what you need to do. Whether it’s building a website, hiring new staff, advertising on Facebook, or filing your taxes we aim to bring you the best education possible to equip you to build the business of your dreams.
Tribe Entrepreneurs Education will offer online courses and offline high level masterminds where you will receive world class education that will catapult you to the next level.
If this sounds like a movement you want to be part of then we’re here to make it happen.
Through small connect groups, masterminds, events, and growth support we’re here to help you get to the top together with some of the most outstanding people on the planet.